NNKC 27: Nerds Only Social Club!
Hey KC Nerds,
We’re back next Wednesday, August 20, 7 pm at MiniBar (3810 Broadway, KCMO) We’ll toast the evening at 7:00 sharp, and then we’ll head into the night’s events.
This month, we’re taking a break from regular programming to mix things up a bit and celebrate summer’s end with a Nerds-Only Social Club. Here’s what we’re doing: Instead of three presentations, we’re going to have a few short games (interactive trivia, group challenges, prizes, and excitement) with longer breaks in between for drinking and socializing and talking about all your ideas for making Nerd Nite KC even better. We won’t have to tell you to be quiet all the time! And we’ll be awarding a passel of super-sweet prizes! Exclamation points!
We’re looking forward to seeing you all out next week!